Burpee of the Week

Hey Friends!

I’ve decided to start posting some exercise ideas on here to spice up the normal routine! So why not stay with something extra Fiery….

Mountain Climber, High Knee Burpees

Begin with a normal Burpee jump back, push up, mountain climb, jump to the top, high knees, Repeat

Timing is everything for this Burpee to feel controlled and doable. When doing these I count 1-2-3-4, while doing Mountain Climbers and then step both feet back to jump up to the top. Again I count 1-2-3-4 while doing high knees and then jump up with both feet together. Without timing the body may end up feeling like a wet noodle and it’s more likely you’ll get frustrated. If this happens the most important thing is to try again until you find your rhythm.

Music: Buku, Front and Back

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